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Organization: htc

Update your timesheet WEEKLY. Do not wait until the end of the month to update your timesheet.

Vacation and Sick time balances displayed in this system are estimates and are not official. Refer to pay statements from CU for your official vacation and sick time balances.

April = 22 Monday-Friday days. 22 x 8 = 176 hours.
May = 23 Monday-Friday days. 23 x 8 = 184 hours.

If you submit a leave request but then end up taking less leave than you requested, you will be asked to cancel the original leave request and submit a new one. If you end up taking more leave than you requested, you will be asked to submit an additional leave request for the additional time. H.R. is requiring that the number of hours of approved leave match exactly with the number of hours leave reported on your timesheet.

The password for your timesheet is not linked to your university domain account. You will need to set and maintain your timesheet password separately. To change your timesheet password, just click on the “Change Password” link on the “Home” tab of the timesheet application (after you have logged in).

Part Time Employee - Holidays:

When a holiday falls on a scheduled work day: Document the number of hours equal to (8x%FTE) with the "Holiday" pay code. If you are obligated to account for a certain number of hours for the week, you may need to account for the remainder of the day with hours from "Vacation" or "Flex" balances or adjust your work hours for the rest of the week to fulfill your obligation.

When a holiday falls on a scheduled non-work day: Enter 0 (zero) hours on this day with the "Holiday" pay code. Your manager should award hours into your flex balance equal to (8x%FTE) for use later in lieu of vacation time. This award must be performed by your manager or the HR Manager. Please add a note to the 0 hour holiday time entry to document what the holiday is and the fact that it was a scheduled non-work day for you.

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